How to contact us?
You can email us from our contact details page.
How our support works?
We have 24X7 customised support for partners.
What platforms are used?
WE are on Amazon platform USA UK Australia.
How our Refund Works?
We like to hear on issue so that it can be avoided.It is fully refunded if the product has issues. move forward.
How am I going to be charged?
We are very clear about financial transactions and security.Most of the platforms we sell are well secured and protected.
Do you provide free products?
Yes we do to our loyal customers.
Do you support cause?
Yes we support to join us please email us.
Do we provide Coupons?
We provide coupons to our existing customers.
Do we have referral program?
We appreciate every customer referred to us and thanks for reveiws given on products on online platforms like Amazon.